
Graphic design to me is a creative process, made up of words and pictures, resulting in a specific message geared towards a target audience. The message is usually trying to inform or sell something to the audience. The design will look entirely different depending on what the message is and who it is intended for.

Everything in the world is affected by graphic design. Computers revolutionized graphic design, therefore, increasing its impact in all walks of life. The influences of design are reflected in many different areas. In commercial advertising, graphic design is used often to express the products ideas and purposes. It also gives a sense of interest and wonder. Without graphic design, everything would be very bland and boring. From the way we dress, to the way things are made, graphic design takes place in one point or another. 

Looking at past examples of design from different decades and even centuries in important cause we can learn about what designers were thinking out in that time period and what appealed to their audience. Also trend and styles always repeat themselves, whether they are trying to look old and vintage, or if they are just going for a fresh unique look.

Design has changed dramatically in the last decade from switching over from the old school manual ways of designing to designing everything digitally. With how fast technology is advancing, I don’t think the changes will stop coming anytime soon, so staying up to date with software and new methods is very important to keep all your design relevant. It is also a good idea to keep up to date because most of the changes and new features software programs are coming up with can really speed up the design process and helps you keep organized, and that leaves you more time for actually designing.